Sunday, August 30, 2009

all growns up

my dearest readers,

there comes a time in every longhairedbejangledbro-lovers life when certain bone fantasies need to be laid to rest.

a crotchthrob housecleaning, if you will.

as i did my daily perusal of dlisted (michael dlisted, when will we be the bff f f f f's that i know we are DESTINED to be?!) i saw this picture of my former epic and heartstopping crushtimes CISCO ADLER:

and (to quote the latina bitch in a chorus line) i felt NOTHING.

sad! what happened? he still rocks a motherfuckin JANGLE like no one's bizness, but..i mean...i dunno. it's not the same; i've lost that lusty lovin feeling.

perhaps my brainbonespace is too full right now?
current lineup: the old dude from CSI, seth rogan in the 40 yr old virgin, a young pete townshend, chuck bass, mark ronson, and the top chef boygirl mindwarping heartbreaker.

this realization of MOVING ON sent me deep into THE DEEP DUSTY PAST aka my MYSPACE BLOG (oomg, whaaat) and i found this lil gem, enjoy it:

i shall now lay this lustiest of lustcrushes to rest.
may your freakishly long balls rest in peace.

forever yourz,

Friday, August 28, 2009

does mark ronson read POP?

i'm sorry, but there my be a little bit of POP OVERLOAD on this blog for the next few days, i am JUMPING AROUND with excitement to see ourselves in the issue!!!

here is one scan so far, we clean up pretty good, IF I DO SAY SO MYSELF:

the photos were shot by jamie morgan, who was a tiny bit of an older brit dude crush for me, i can't lie.
i was TERRIFIED of this photoshoot, and having anxiety attacks, and he made me feel totally chill and i actually..had fun?

except for the fact that he kept calling us "punky funky nerds". punky funky? NERDS? ok fine, i can take nerd. but FUNKY sounds like moms buying feather boas for a GALS NIGHT OUT.

i got to wear gucci and now i have a decent photo of myself for when i get real old.
can't wait to share the rest when i get it....!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

the big time

hey so..remember when i went to london in june?
i was working on a spesh lil project that will be in here:

the new revamped POP magazine !
i haven't seen it yet but inside there should be a ZINE made by me and tavi and laia and eden...(please someone in london send me scans until i can buy one??)

oh, and YES that is TAVZ on the cover, you aren't seeing things.
so this week she not only started 8th grade but she is on the cover of a major fashion magazine, NO BIG DEAL.

PS since she is poised to become a star on a mega level, can i get a HOLLER for doing her FIRST PRESS EVER- A YEAR AGO? in a little thing called the new york times? just saying.
only tavi STARTS with the times and goes from there.

i'm so proud of her and i'm so proud of all of us that worked on this project and i can't wait to see the issue!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

there will always be queens on the rag

haters, i need you to take a seat. BITCH is looking DOPESHOW.

while i do not love a gwen stefani reference (which this hair has SOUPÇON of) i DO love TRUTH OR DARE era MADONNZ which this look is 900% about.

basically i think 99% of life's sartorial references can (and should) be gleaned from truth or dare, truesclues.

ps, while they are IMPROVING, the only thing that gaga constantly mystifies me with is her bad bad BAD shoe & bag choices. and not, like, BAD as GOOD, just BAD as WHA? they are almost always a NERP. sup with that?

pps 2 gaga posts in a row, shtoops.

Monday, August 24, 2009

i can feel the hysteria, even on the west coast

marc jacobs talks after partayyys over at the cut:

"We’re doing it with Visionaire and we’re doing it for Lady Gaga"
i mean, DUH DUH DUH. why she isn't starring in the MJ FW 09/10 campaign is BEYOND ME!

so fashion is JUST now accepting gagagagagaglunacy as SO DOPE, is it awesome or a bummersville that she can get the real things and mabes doesn't need to crafternoonitize a headpiece and leotard for her daily coffee run? unclear.

btdubs, "doin it for lady gaga" is my new mantra

i can see myself in your pants


crocodile maw crotch cover! so best.
christopher kane for topshop! give it, bitches.

in other news:

sheer mirrored leggings, a boobcup frock, MIRRORED KNICKERS!

to see and be seen in, oh oh oh.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

missing the new york crew (you know who you are)

pitstop in quogue for burgers and tacos and shakes and fries.

american apparel cape for PRESIDENT OF FAVORITE THINGS EVER, bag from hayden-harnett fall collection (SO DOPE) for vice president. (tacos for secretary of state)

picture of me waaay too engrossed in technology by THE louise sturges of brooklyn, new york.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

is that plaid shirt a nod to the crispy seattle weather or are you just trying to stay warm in front of the refrigerator?*

i'm in love again.

ASHLEY MERRIMAN of TOP CHEF is makin me palpitate a teeny tiny lil bit.
ashley kinda looks like zach beirut's tougher cooler older bro except ummm a girl?
it's like when i watch the L word and shane makes me feel all funny. it kinda fucks with my program.

so far she has proved unremarkable chefwise but that means nothing to me..LOOK at her, totes hot tattooed brochef style, it's really getting me. sam mason, i am maybe over you?

i mean, you guys:

dying? DYING.

ps, i swear my weekend trip to seattle today was decided before i watched the episode and found out she is the chef at branzino in belltown...i SWEAR. i swear!

pps if you don't think i am eating there tonight you are SO FUCKING WRONG.

ppps ashley, CALL ME.

*wins for best use of clueless quote as longest fucking blog title ever. thank you.

Friday, August 21, 2009

mad wings

i got this sweater when i went DEEP thrifting into methtown the other's pretty fucking dreamtown, i love it!

the sleeves are HUGE, this shit is AVANT. i hve it tucked in to a denim skirt which is maybe not the LEAST BULKY look for a gal, but i'm just going for it.

whoever this "MOM" character is, she should get her own sweater line. this is the best thing i have bought in a while.

bought a bullet keychain at this sick army navy store, it's my new jangle jam. (with my lucky coin)

these deena& ozzy white oxfords that i got a while ago at urban are what i wear with everything these days.

thank god the 90 degree bullshit that was happening here has slowed its roll.
it's 66 at 2 Pm and i couldn't be happier. SO the kind of summer i can can get down with!

casual friday

so lemme get this straight.

i am not allowed to take a bottle of SALINE SOLUTION for my contact lenses on an airplane, but GAGALOO can wear a vampire varsity jacket of doom? that shit is like chinese throwing star couture. i mean, i don't make the rules but this seems UNFAIR.

ps: miss you gaga, it's been a minute.

shop it up

oh hey now, NEW YORKERS
go spend your summertime dollars at the CIRCA NOW sidewalk sale this weekend!!!

i am sad not be there to sell my wares amongst some of the best gals in new york, but my platforms and polyester will be there in spirit.

GO FORTH and buy something UNREAL for me, k?

EDIT: nicole says it's rain or shine, so don't let this lil "hurricane" sitchernation deter you from realizing yer shoppin potential...


la linda will be in the next issue of V magazine. this opening spread kinda stopped me, i love when she gives I WILL KILL A BITCH face:

sebastian faena // sofia achaval

this is some twisted fairytale vermeer shit, so great right?

i need to go on a SEPTEMBER ISSUES hunt out here in hippie loveland.
i mean, they have a store here that only sells ZINES but to find an issue of PURPLE may prove difficult...what a world we live in.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

two at a time i want

thank god, you guys. THANK GOD. the hot boy ideal of my early formative years is making a comeback and i, for ONE, am THRILLED. LONG HAIRED CALIFORNIA BOYS!!

have you heard GIRLS? no? well, you need to. and you need to accept christopher owens as the second coming of the evan dando/dave pirner hot side-parted hair throbmaster ideal:

throb trinity

i cant believe i missed them in new york this month; i was tired and cranky and broke and now i regret it DEEPLY.

this is the dopeshow. TRUST ME!

ok. off to the beach

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the wild one, forever

hey nowww...WHITE LIGHTNING is TWO years old today!!

click it to dig it!

good grief..i can't really believe it, that seems both like the longest time ever and no time at all, right?
the past 12 months have been completely bonkers for me personally and BLOGULARLY.

some highlights: my NYT article on tavi & arabelle & teen bloggerz (over A YEAR AGO, really-ahem), this dude KANYE blogging about me (!), having a pretty mayjah milestone birthday (sigh), getting bangs (like, SO IMPORTANNNNT), quitting my job and becoming a gypsy (in progress)... i mean, it's been a massive year, to say the least.

but you know what? i don't want to look back. (...ok, except to the 90s, obvs) (ok yah, and except in the picture above. but that's all, i swear!)

i want to look forward. FORWARDTIMEZ. SEE THE FUTURE. yahhhh.

this blog has totally altered my life in so many weird wonderful ways. so many cool opportunities, so many great people, so much insanity that is still to come.

allow me to say:

thank you thank you thank you to everyone who reads and comments and compliments and emails and comes up to me to say hi at random sporting events...doing this wouldn't be half as fun without all of you, swearswearpinkieswear.

now i shall crack open a miller high life and toast this lil bloggyblog, i love it so.
while you say "'s early morning", i say "time waits for no blog". cheers!

vintage birthday shot..seems apropos

exes and ohs 4 life brahs,
White Lightz
the whitest white light ya know

my magic is real, too

white lightning new favorite people in portland / record on repeat ALERT:
claire & jona aka YACHT !

more than a few people have been telling me recently that i would LOVE the new yacht record..they were so right, it rules.

claire took me, marisa and bdonns thrifting yesterday deep in gresham, which is basically where all the crazy METH STORIES of portland come from. holy shit. there were some scary ass people in these stores.

but i found amazing shit (those posts are pending) and claire got hero status for the epic thrift spots and best banh mi knowledge. she is also supergame for when i get into my OMG YOU NEED THIS PUT IT ON RIGHT NOW BUY IT HOLYSHIT phases, especially when the item in question is a white suit jacket with sheer sleeves and gold buttons (spoiler alert, she bought it and looks AMAZE. trust!).

anyways...check out this record, you know you are so tired of your itunes right now.

get into it!

Monday, August 17, 2009

it's good to want things

living this FREE comes with a price, brahs.
that is to say that when you see something you WANT, you NEED, like MUST HAVE with every FIBER OF YOUR can't just hand over the cashemonay like you were able to before, and there can be some PAIN.

these wood heeled docs are 130 dollars, AMMURRICAN. after a summer of thrift and sad lil bank account..that seems difficult to scrape up.

I WANT THEM SO BADLY, MY INSIDES HURT. they are my 7th grade boots gone grownup; i mean this shoe is like a metaphor for me, basically. (not quite right looking, but still kinda cool)

i will make it happen.
i might have to scheme and plot and maybe CRY a lil and then...sell some plasma?
but i will make it happen.
send donations and well wishes and Doc Marten PR contacts to WL Headquarters, theeenks.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

all i want

covet alert:
slouchy fashion overalls. looking so so hot to me right now.

sonia rykiel / chloe RESORT 2010

also feeling this a hippie longhair pointbreak bro version:

j.w. anderson s/s 2010

OG overalls envy: winona ryder rolling stone cover, march 1994:

gotta start thinking about wearing pants.

reunited and it feels so good. except when going uphill.

got my bike back from jill's house. lost my mind along the way.

the croptop to rule them all, tracy feith for target skirt (it looks like curtains from a 1960s motel, and its thick like upholstery fabric. love), beatup brogues.

i got a couple looks in this outfit, what's that about. as far as i am concerned it is beyond normz. stripes n leaves, it's classic like peanut butter n bacon (what? i'm spending too much time alone).

ps, can someone get me new FACE? theeeeeeenks, pay you back later.

Friday, August 14, 2009

five minutes in the closet with you

god i love when i find a vid with an old 120 minutes intro..LEWIS LARGENT talking about the upcoming film "reality bites" and juliana hatfield all ana'd and angsty...HAPPY FRIDAY, LOVERPANTSES!

...bottle's on the ground, are you ready now?

who's got cable?






why wouldn't you watch it?!?
everyone is drunk and smoking and boning and wearing hats! I LOVE THE SIXTIES!

i used to have a steady paycheck?

this sunday will be the appearance of the first issue of T Magazine that i haven't fully worked on in almost 4 feels so strange! i know i will feel a little twinge as i flip through the pages..

the women's fall fashion issue is also the 5th anniversary of T, and i hope you all get your hands on a copy or 5 (there are multiple, MULTIPLE covers). jeff koons T cover!!! also: REDESIGN!

congratulations to the T peeps (at least the ones that read this blog), i am sure it's going to be AMAZE.
special special hearts and love for chris martinez and david sebbah who i miss like crazy and are the dudes responsible for making this thing look so top notch.

ok, enough babbling about my PAST LIFE; can i get the sunday times in portland or WHAT?

ps i DID work on 'the strip' section, twas my last hurrah. cant wait to see it on page...

pps, if we all weren't sure:
this has been the craziest year of my fucking life, truest.of.fax.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

the sun is shinin man, i'm supercool

marisa got an invite to the supereliteforspecialpeopleonly nike store and picked me up these gladiator sneaker thangs for 40 bones. they are like a norwegian wood cage dress as a shoe. (it's elastic strips! kinda love)

then we met at the mall and i got rasta shoelaces.
and a cinnamon wetzel pretzel.
and almost bought a kid n play tshirt to make into a croptop, but I DIGRESS..this post is about shoestrips and the lion of judah as a shoelace.

i think mabes these two things need to come together? rasta cage-iators! dooooope.

keepin it covered

never ceasing to amaze.
my girl gagaloo is having a diane pernet moment while in the 'pines (bryanboy are you under her skirt in this pic?):

(ps, what is this mugler-trench situation? get on my body, and QUICK)

i really REALLY need more things on my head.

nights in white

my favorite outfit in the city summer heat (although i am back in portland for a few more weeks, didja know?)

urban tee turned perfect croptop, twenty8twelve heavy linen miniskirt (it rules), chipped neon nails, lucky coin necklace, permawrist hairtie (trying to break this habit), bolt tat. not pictured: destroyed white brogues, self-trimmed bangs.

photo by louise

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


WHOAAAAAA. time to get my head out of the gypsy caravan and back into the FASHION CIRCUS.

rodarte for target? (targarte? ro-targ-et? what?)


this is the best news i have EVER HEARD.
blood stained chiffon dresses for the masses! knitted up sweater leggings for all! thigh high hip wader hooker boots mom? SURE!

i am so excited and i JUST CAN'T HIDE IT.
getting DECEMBER 20 (the drop date) tattooed on my other arm.

who wants this honey, dudes?

more from the bottomless vault of curiousities which is my packratted life:

some ephemera from the last all day outdoor musical situation (aside from APW couple weeks ago) that i attended:


the lineup was my teenage wet dream:
beasties, smashing pumpkins, the breeders, surprise courtney love appearance, green day, flaming lips, GbV, luscious jackson, shonen knife, cypress hill, p-funk, L7, fu-schnickens("i am a true what..i am a true fu shnick"..omg must download NOW..sorry, i digress), black crowes, the verve.
to name a FEW. (fuck, festivals were so much DOPER back then.)

thanks to a family friend, my cousin michelle and i were 2 smartmouthed 15 year olds with all access passes, free to roam around and do things that included the following:

watch the beastie boys perform from the side of the stage
stop tre cool from green day from running us over in his golf cart
stalking the ladies from luscious jackson ( <3 )
spying on courtney love in billy corgan's trailer (they closed the curtains! caught)

SPEAKING OF MR CORGAN: i was completely besotten with him at the time (obvi) and as his 900 foot tall self emerged from his trailer i walked up to him, soaking wet (WHY does it always rain at these things?), and told him he was my hero.

then i gave him what i had in my pocket, which was a happy meal toy, which was mickey mouse in a karate uniform. (???)

he said thanks, you can have this:

shredded up guitar pick! with SP logo on it! i died about 300 times.
oh, teenage had some highpoints.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

at at at at at at nite

dudes. i don't know.
but a certain time of the night? in a magical house, on a magical lawn, drinking magical potions, with a magical crew?

...when all those things happen?

you think: i am gonna put on a 1960's bathing suit romper thing and a cape.
in a room full of lattice wallpaper.
and then i am going to rejoin the party.

i can't explain it, i think quogue brings out the beale in me.

Monday, August 10, 2009

they'll arrest you for wearing red shoes on a thursday

birthday mayhem in quogue for the enthusiast this past weekend. at the PARTY of the PARTY WEEKEND, there were multiple outfit changes made by most and at a certain point i had to document how fucking OUTSTANDING the girls that i am lucky enough to know are.

louise: this skirt is covered in JUNGLE ANIMALS. its a fucking topnotch THRIFT FIND from maine. die? oh and those ACNE laceup boots that i wannnntttttttt.

katkatkat, birthday girl!! umm FIRST? this is a DRESS. and SECOND it is vintage bill blass from her mom's closet. WIN! yellow espadrilles, i am sure they are from spain. a vision, as usual.

mercedez! i basically cried when i saw this dress because it is so up my alley. thrifted 70s polychiffon. with the sleeves and hem scissor chopped by cedez right before the party (just like i woulda done). bright green canvas wedges! shes so cute. i think we are kindred psychocolor sisters.

cuckoo print fanatics, all of us. quite drunk too at this point, OOPSYDOOPS.

Friday, August 7, 2009

maybe it's my meds talking?

this is really uncool, universe. i mean, i am WEAK, ok?
i am just geting over intense feverosity, aches, general miz, and then..this happens.

this is put out into the world, and my innocent and fragile HEART is SHATTERED. (i am not talking about lady gaga's supposed teeny weiner).

who thinks this is ok?

i went so far into NOPES with this shit it becamee a NERPS.
few things reach NERPitude. NERP is for like: paris hilton, dudes with nail polish, that haircut where all your hair is combed over your face, and ed hardy air fresheners.

i cant believe my true blue fireburning love got me to this level but..this is the worst pic ever and these shoes (for gucci?!) are sort of a bust. dudes that read this blog..would you wear these?!

MARK!! marrkkkkkk. why whyyyy. you're better than this. i luh you...
i feel faint.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

the first kiss lasts forever

i am so sick right now, broskevitches.

hotface fever and chills and glands all swollen and um..general ATTRACTIVENESS.

i apologize for being MIA, on the internets and I R L, but...i feel like i'm underwater in hell.


i just got the sad news about john hughes and i can't believe it.

i saw the breakfast club for the first time when i was about 7 (my parents were pretty LAX on thewhole ratings for movies thing), when it came out on videoand watched it about 400 million times. i still know the dialogue verbatim (we all do).

like most of us that were kids in the 80s (old lady alert) the breakfast club, 16 candles, ferris bueller, pretty in pink, and my all-time fave: some kind of wonderful were like...on permanent VHS rolls. slumber party staples, afterschool imperatives.

i watched this movie every day in 8th grade. forget TWILIGHT, this shit is the realdeal highschool love story to crush out on, best kiss ever:

ps, 2 mary stuart masterson related posts in a row, and 2nd john hughes related post of the week? ...teenage regression much? (aka my whole life)


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

just trust me

girlstyle i love that will never be able to rock:

mary stuart masterson in fried green tomatoes.
no, i'm serious.
she was so best in this.

it's tough messy sexy country tomboy hotness.
it's so fucking GOOD.
she wears brogues and untied ankle boots the whole time too, love it. why can't i live it???

oh right, i'm not a feisty southern gal with a questionable relationship with my ladyfriend in 1930s alabama.
also, i look stupid in pants.

ps, chloe sevz knows the scene, this shit is so her. trust me on this!

Monday, August 3, 2009

summertime clothes?

summer of croptop love continues.
also continuing: summer of WHY NOT?
also also continuing, the love of these boots.

crop top made from a clearance rack dudes shirt from urban, olllld marc by marc skirt, the sante fe boots. also note NEW FAVORITE BAG: stripey duffel with painted on stripes- 1 dollar in omaha.


ps temporary bedroom has bad mirror for outfit pics. must remedy.


white brogues + wetted up dirt = instant saddle shoes
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