Monday, June 29, 2009

i'm crazy for you, blog

i have missed the hell out of you my darlings and that is truestfax..i hate not blogging on the regs, and i hate that that sentence is really true. (NERD)

check it:
we had a day of free time on saturday!
it was basically devoted to sleeping in and then it took about 400 hours to walk to the tate modern (and about 400 more hours to navigate it. NEGATIVE POINTS FOR FLOW, ENGLISH MUSEUM PLANNER BRAHS.) and it was HUMID and a little bit ICKY but we POWERED THROUGH. all in the name of ART.

there is a ruscha ROOM. dopeness.
the top left is an all time favorite, obvs

the tate is the only museum i have been to that devotes so much space (or any?) to fluxus artwork. as a certified yoko ono lovah/aesthetics nerd, it's pretty exciting.

m/m paris posters..superhuge and pretty fucking cool I R Lz.

there is also a jeff koons room, or did you already know?
it's obscenely reflective, if you were wondering.
i know this blog in the past week has not supported that argument.

things are gonna be back to norms soon enough...
one more day in londontown..and then it's back to bikes and beers and layers in july. (i miss portland!!! i really do...what does that mean?)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

what i did today

yeah so um...
i got to wear this today, just a lil fall gucci, no bigs.

gucci f/w 09

twas dope.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

an american crotchthrob in london

ohh, hi everyone. hi.
i hate not posting everyday, it feels wrong and weird but long days and shitty hotel internet..."high speed" my arse (BRITISH!) make it so hard.

i do want to take this special minute to tell the world that i am in love again.

may i present the object of my affection:

VITO SCHNABEL, welcome to this illustrious and admittedly dubious distinction.

actually no, please, continue.

way. too. handsome.
we saw him last night at the bar at HIX while we had dinner.
i died approx 50 times and then one more time for good measure.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

think it don't drink it

i think my favorite vintage hunting so far in portland has been at the house of vintage on hawthorne. it's an enormous rambling collection of rooms full of stuff from different vendors..there is TONS of stuff. clothes and housethings.

it's where i got the ferragamos..the silk dress..canvas bag...and THIS HERE DRESS:

i look terrible today. all apologies.

i do not think that it is possible to accurately CAPTURE the PINKNESS of this polyester cuckoofest.
IT'S UNREAL. i love it so so so so much. it was like, $10.

one thing though...i had it hemmed a leeeetle too short.
i call this length "not without tights" or on a ballsier day "fuck it".


tomorrow i head to london. home of vince noir, mark ronson & chuck bass.
soon i can tell ya what is happening over there, but suffice to say i will be busy..i hope i can update the bloggyblog often but it might be spotty. back in the US on july 1!!

when i said that i loved you i meant that i'd love you forever


back in january i posted about these balenciaga future topsiders of dementia as the possible one shoe to rule us all.
they were tiny grey apparitions of epic awesomeness in the only pictures i could find of the pre-fall i can see them, and they are awesome, and i need 995 dollars to make me holler.


it hurts my heart a lil that these were in the T fashion closet and i was not there to snatch them and clomp around the office for a while. i guess THEM'S THE BREAKS, right?

*the pic above was snatched from the T blog, sowwy

Monday, June 22, 2009

i want it

the one thing i didn't really bring out here to the northwest is a JACKET...what do i know? the summer in new york is so disgusting and humid you can practically WRING out the air for clean drinking water (reduce reuse recycle. wha?)

point being:
i need this.

don't i? i do. (don't i?).

slow and steady wins the race / stand up comedy rainwear collab

DRAPEY AVANT PONCHO (avancho?) !!! be mine?

you may find this hard to BELIEVE, but i have not been so awesome about "living on a budget". shocker of the century, i know.




i kinda want to live there...

newsflash: I LOVED SEATTLE.

i've closed my eyes and my bank account & gone west

the following is true of my brief but amazing visit to this awesome city:

a boy compared my hairdid to joey ramone. stop laughing! fuck, it's kinda true.
i was less than thrilled; he thought he was so funny that the next day he gave me a ramones box set AND a ramones sticker. slightly charming, fully demented.

they have drive through huts that are JUST FOR COFFEE. caffeine addict dreams realized.

the hideout bar felt like good new york vibes and they have a drink called the andy warhol - you get a cosmo and a polaroid of yourself. cmon; that's sorta best, no?

and how could i FORGET? no onlt did i go to mariners game (i have a lil crush on you & yr socks, #53) but i met the supercute KRISTINA who recognized the white lightningness and bought me a beer. hi kristina!!! thank you!

stone gossard ftw

dudes, when is the last time you gave pearl jam's ten a listen?
yesterday / middle school / yr mom's house / never ?

well i am feeling it these days.
duh, i was just in seattle. can't not GET INTO THE GROOVE. it's still kind of DOPE.
little-known and unwanted trivia: 'black' is a sometimes karaoke jam of mine, when i wanna take it ALL THE WAY DOWN. i do a pretty passable vedder; i really do.

ps, i would post the real vid for 'alive' but sony bmg disables all their shit and THAT REALLY BLOWS. EDIT steve is right FUCK YOUTUBE, dailymotion is where it's at!!!!!

sidenote, when i bought this record (at the sam goody in wyckoff, R I P) in 8th grade CDs came in LONGBOXES. for those of you not in the KNOW..CDz used to come in long cardboard box packaging? like they were..a necktie? really bizarre.

Friday, June 19, 2009

space needlez

who says i got no culture? went to the seattle art museum yesterday.

that's me in the middle, dark n mysterious. nerd.

their modern & contemporary art was kinda cool, i enjoyed myself.
oh and there are mirrors to take eerie pictures in inside the "old plates room".

in this city of seattle there are very attractive men with tattoos that throw fish around.
i am unclear as to the actual point.

everything i know about seattle i learned from singles & the real world (irene face slap! anyone?)
off to find a citizen dick tee shirt (which would be the best gift i could give brendan ever, probs)

a compliment for us, is a compliment for you

do it to it

i am not sad to miss out on most anything in new york right this moment (except for some exceptional peeps, you know who you are..)

but THIS does give me a lil twinge:

(i added the heart for extra WHITE LIGHTNING APPROVALZ)

topshop bike club!

from this saturday june 20 until sunday june 27, there is a free BIKE VALET at topshop and FREE TOPSHOP CRUISERS with BASKETS to rent all day until 9 PM..!
i mean? SO DOPE.

there is also a big movie night party thang:

BLOW UP is the only antonioni movie i haven't slept's FASHION, BABY!
a hot brit!
colored tights!

i am posting this because i love you.

go and tell me it was fun (and that you miss me).

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

class act

yes, this is a donut covered in maple glaze and bacon.
yes, the next one i try will be covered in cap'n crunch.
yes, portland is a land of dreams.

another sunny day

as soon as i made plans for portland, i emailed miss camille of the childhoodflames and was like GURL GIMME THE INFO..because duh.

not only did she send me an epic list, she offered to take me on a lil walking/streetcar tour of vintage and designer amazingnessssss...i ACCEPTED and on monday we met up and had some fun.

i don't want to ASSUME, but i would say we had the best time when she took me to nordstrom to meet her best friends aka the designer clothing racks:

yeah, $3,000. on CLEARANCE. anyone, anyone? there were TWO left, we were tempted to get the pair (nottttt)

lanvin knit shrugcardigan, so soft, so aamzing, so many dollarssss. sighhhhh. (paging yokoo?)

chanel ankle bags! remember these? inspired by lindsay lohan's ANKLE MONITOR?! ohhh KARL, you card...they were hilarious. if i had a spare 200 (clearance!) i woulda considered it, HANDS FREE IS THE WAVE OF THE FUTURE! yah?

PSA: this dries collection is as A-MA-ZINGGG in person as you would want it to be. the beading/sequinnage is badonkz. this dress looked terrible on me but i still liked wearing it.

camille had a harder time saying byebyeee:

i mean...if you looked like this in this dress mabes you would shed hot salty tears, too. it was the lightest thinnest silk ever with a bajillion beads n sequins at the top. it was SO SICK.

we decided: the tiny gold patch MADE the dress.

and as i have been asked by more than a few: camille is as lovely and sweet and cool in person as you would expect. as she is a tad shyer than me, i talkedtalkedtalked most of the time....(duh, obvs, duh). thanks again, camille!!!

our field trip next week: THE BINS (goodwill outlet...clothes by the pound...holy schiesse)
stay tuned!!!

ps..go read her post about our day, she has realllly good pics of the INSANE jean-paul gaultier vintage 80s bustier ( need it) we saw and you can see me acting/looking like a total nerd....a million xo's for you, camille

Monday, June 15, 2009

i, myself, am strange & unusual

new outfit for the week, tights optional

new thrifted silk dress (cut shortshort obvs) / see by chloe wedges

for the record, that dries dress on the wall could not have looked worse on me.
wait til i show you how AMAZING a dries dress looked on camille. it was a travesty for her to leave it behind, i tell you. that post coming tomorrow.



das racist / chicken and meat

this shit is making me crazy, in the bestest way of all time.
hearts to ivan berko forever and ever for sending this to me.

NEW JAM FOR RIGHT NOW (the video is incidental, and now kid cudi is #2...)

extra creditz for their other dope jam: combination pizza hut & taco bell.

i can't stop with this, omfg.

team valentine

i want to bring you into my new weird world, and that includes SOAPNET's beverly hills 90210 reruns in the mornins with my coffee.
yah. you heard me.

so let me say this: i, white lightning, would like to applaud EMILY VALENTINE as this week's number one brain space waster.
emily valentine was first in the line of bad girls to shake up the 90210 gang for brief episode arcs, and i salute her for bringing actual fashion to a show that was supposed to be fashionable.

[sidenote: her best episode is where she gets brandon high on "u4EA" at a rave (hee!) and totals his car. but soapnet hasn't aired that one yet, so i am obsessing over her first.]

this was the status quo. it's not like E.V. had a lotttt of COMPETISH..i mean, what the FUCK was happening in the wardrobe dept? brenda is dressed like ralph kramden. (honeymooners joke? what???)

i have now watched the episode where she makes her triumphant appearance in the halls of west beverly oh, about, 6 times (i do what i want, jeals?).

sorry BRANDO, dylan already asked her out in the parking lot. go shove zuckerman up against the desk of the newspaper office, she was DYING FOR IT.

she gets a date with dylan, brandon, & steve in about ten seconds and shows up to her first day of school on a motorcyle, in a leather jacket and red lips with a guitar. the girls all band against her and call her a slut! jealous bitches!

haters! sidenote, if i had the wherewithall i would start a blog called "what donna wore" cause this bitch was crazytown times infinity. PROPS TO YOU, DONNA MARTIN. i forgot about your levelz.

the writers were def psyched on the creation of this character btw, the name "emily valentine" is uttered like 57 times in the hour.

the time period of this episode is roughly 3 days, i think. but the amount of outfit changes is CRAZY>in one hour there are just SO. MANY.
i can tell you her absolute WORST one: this elementary school librarian tasteful coat ensemble she wore to the peach pit was hidz. this is a date with DYLAN MCKAY bitch, TURN IT OUT.

oy. nate was ALSO smitten with her, as well as david silver. i am surprised that daddy walsh didn't grab her ass while she was in the kitchen but that is more of a move for an ep of the OC.

she shoulda worn this, this shit was hot...tiny tight mini and a david byrne stop making sense-esque GIANT jacket:

dope. she played janis joplin songs on that guitar at lunch. HA!

brenda bitchybitched all over her at a fam bbq while she wore this...what up lissie trullie, i know what you watched last summer, and it was this episode, CAUGHT.

i love her big FINALE outfit the best...leatherdaddy hat, babydoll top, pearls, WHITE LACE TRIMMED BIKE SHORTS and black boots.

amaze. so bad/good. so NOW. haaa.

this is the only time the brat trio rivaled E.V. for fashness, and it's only because they dressed up like the robert palmer girls (you don't want to know the reason's so inane. it involved a song parody called "addicted to clothes"'s worse than you imagine)


changed my mind, not sparing you. here is the big finale. they "sing" this song instead, and at the end of the episode, brenda and dylan get back together. i'm sure i was SO EXCITED when i was 13 and saw this episode for the first time. oh youth.

note the foreshadowing for uninteresting nerd shooting himself in the face!

ps: no, i do not miss having a job; why do you ask?

shiny, happy, etc

i got all crazy yesterday and spent some cashmoneymoney..i couldn't help it, the vintage was TOO GOOD. and way cheap. will post all the finds tonight or tomorrow (leaving RIGHT NOW to thrift more with camille!) BUT..

i have looking for these FOR SO LONG, i did a lil hoparound when i found them:

vintage patent leather ferragamo varina flats, $8.
life is good, loves.
oh, also got a random canvas bag with a gucci-esque stripe...i am feeling canvas? i blame my chloe sneakerwedges (which i am wearing every day).

ps, i polished the ferragamos with windex. werked great. KEEPIN IT KLASSY!

Friday, June 12, 2009

sort it out, get the story

friday throwback!!
this one is inspired by luke (who reads this blog only to see if he is mentioned. JACKPOT, LUCAS):

converse ad from 1991.
dickie barrett, mighty mighty bosstones

could be i can't remember, could be i choose to not.

more bosstones on my tumblz.

it still soothes you, doesn't it?

surefire way to make me love ANYTHING?...stick anouck in it.

stella mccartney resort 2010

so weird, when *I* attempt to wear giant patternsacks i don't look one tenth as cute, but then again i don't keep blow up tyrannosauri or a cache of white balloons on hand.
gotta try that.

oh wait, i am also not an epic supermodel engaged (married?) to jefferson hack.
hmm. well. okay, got me there.

i still want that grey thing on the left and i want it now. hand it over!

daze of aquarius

while i was walking to free wifi cafe of the day this morning (tiny's, tuna melt, nom), i discovered the goodwill on broadway, ooopsyyydoopsss.

my mood ring turned bright white in a flash of light when i found this:

bright green polyester
with navy and white embroiderz?
and a secret slutty zip front (sorry, inappropz?)
i have to cut it or somethin, floor length doesn't work on a midge like me.
maybe it'll be a shirt?

i see my future you's how i always knew i'd end up..caftans n jangles, mood rings n bangles, young lovers and lots of rugs and a house full of random friends and joni mitchell records and someone probs grows pot in the yard. (but i will have wifi and a flatscreen and meat products. c'mon now)

$6.99. mine.
i hope pdx is ready for this jelly?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

that's what i'm talkin about

patterns patterns patternssssssss!!!!

christopher kane / prada / erdem
resort 2010

even though i feel like i am not PRETTY enough for resort "OH TEN" (as i am calling it)...i am still psyched on all the prints and patterns and clashy and crazy.

btw, i want to take scissors to an old tee and make something like the top of that c.kane dress...crafternoonz?
i mean...what else do i have to do tomorrow (spolier alert: NOTHING).

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

the day that will live in infamy (-famy -famy -famy)


today is THE DAY OF DAYS.
news so epic that i had to make some ART to commemmorate it:

yeezy, fabz, and ga on da moon.

i got werd in a latenight text from nyc:
byebye M/Ms..fabien baron & karl templar are BACK ON THE SCENE!


omg. are you there? sorry.
i just passed out.
SO MUCH EXCITEMENT, annnnnnnd it's only 1 PM.

all i need is for mark ronson to follow me on twitter and i may just end it all with a hemlock/high life cocktail, dreamz realized. (what? ignore me. i am way too caffeinated.)

i die x 500 jillionsquillion.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

the sunshine of my life

i mean.

when your outfit credits involve a swarovski encrusted neckbrace, it is safe to say you are operating on your own personal next NEXT levular.

the levz can't be detected with most existing technology (only calculable by kanye, anna piaggi and christmas tree mom. aka my holy trinity)

i would do bad things for those jeremy scott minnie mouse sunglasses.
i would.


pics from anthem mag

i don't believe in peter pan, frankenstein, or superman

i know what you're thinking.
"oh haaayy white lightnin...damn you CLASSY, GURL" :

uh, yeah, i'm keepin my shit tied down in my bike basket with one of my BELTS (vintage, obvi).
i also cruised by the SEV-ELEVS and got me a big gulp, wanna fight?

they got a lot of bridges in the pdx. i stopped da HUFFY on one and took a pic of another.

it's pretty here. i like it a lot.

flattery is my forte

2 music posts in a row, whatwhat?

kleenex girl wonder
kleen-ex girl wonder
graham smith
has a new record out!

MRS EQUITONE (click dat)
(it's only 6.99. i call that a steal, if you wanna know the TRUTH.)

even before i knew graham I R L (as the kids say) KGW was one of my favorite bands of all time...still is, still good, can't stop won't stop.
(please check out his old records too? they are all so dopeshow. i am partial to final battle, but don't make me choose. or mabes you wanna DL the song julie&barbara, you will like, swearz )

he writes some of the best lyrics i have ever heard, truestoftruefax.

<a href="">2 Songs by KGW</a>

Sunday, June 7, 2009

come lay with me on the ground

when i take a kid cudi break, i am still really obsessed with manners, the new passion pit record.

passion pit / moth's wings

the entire week that i packed up my shiz in new york i listened to this pretty much nonstop. still crushing on this chubby bearded greek, even though their live show i saw a few months ago was pretttty subpar.

ps, i have started drinking beers at 2 PM during the day here.
can't help myself! there's free wifi in the bars!

i prefer to think of it as "local custom" rather than "a problem".

i want to be over her, i really do.


so unfair.
hot mess.

scuse me, gonna go cry.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

obligatory reality bites reference!

i am in love.
it is neon orange with grey splatter paintz.
it cost me 40 bones.

i am still nervous to ride a bike in major traffic you guys, i get scurrrrrred.
who cares, it's DOPE.
i was like, it's PRETTY, it GLOWS!
jill was like, mmkay let's see if the brakes actually work, you freak.

look, it's so me:


speaking of which:
had some afternoon beers today with mr lucas plant, my most old school of BFFs. (since 7th grade, thankyouverymuch.)


Friday, June 5, 2009

truly madly deeply

captivating me...again & again & again with their total insane genius:

yokoo & sunshine

come ON!
i love these two.

can you gals do some sort of crafty 'exquisite corpse' project where one starts something and the other finishes it?...i would die.

i am not this kind of lady of leisure, but a girl can pretend

catching up with resort, 2010 (sounds jetsons, doesn't it??)

miu miu, resort 2010

kinda cool.
obvs, i live for a knee high laceup situation

this is pretty. hiii.

marc jacobs, resort 2010

i could never wear either of these things, but fashion can just be aspirational, yeah?


alexander wang, resort 2010

this is some busted ass bullshit right here.
dug out of a thrift pile : AWESOMELY HIDZ
hanging in barney's with a probs very high 3 fig pricetag: DUMDUMGROSS

don't do it.

it's all happening

DAY ONE in a new city that i have never seen before, where you can buy beer at the movies (DREAM REALIZED) and strip clubs are where you play billiards.

jill's lobby. nicer for pics than my hardware store full length on back of door, no?
also: reallllly into my mood ring! bring it back!

things that happened:

1. i saw one of my very best friends from growing up for the first time in 10 years. he looks the same, but with sideburns (DOPE) and about 200 more tattoos. it felt like no time passed, i hope i see him every day.

2. i drank a lot of beer. i want to drink less beer, but that may NEVER HAPPEN. i am poor now and beer is cheap.

3. went to a bbq at a serrrriously dope 3 floor apartment that was only marginally more rent than my glorified closet on 2nd street back in ol loisaida. ew, portland, ew.

ace hotel photobooth. i'm a wonkeyeye okay?

4. i was accosted at said bbq by a girl who said she wants to fall in love with me on a train (and your name is...?) and then showed me photos from her ex-lover from NYC: a current SNL castmember who sent her pics of HIS MEMBER and it is...a nice size. i actually shrieked.

***i would like to use this moment to go over life standards & practices 101: any kind of nakez pics you send to anyone will ALWAYS be shown to their friends. ALWAYS. just saying.

5. i am staying with my friend jill who couldn't be a better hostess. and she has empire records on dvr. gonna have to come up with a mayjah good thank you present.

6. veeverz is here until saturday..i think there will be epic debauchery tonight.
her last words to me before we left the bar last night: "you better bring your lip gloss tomorrow night, because you are getting SO BLOGGED, BITCH".

i also tried to get her to set me up with zach galifianakis but he's too famous now; shoulda gone for it pre-The Hangover. DRATS!

MENTAL NOTE: start taking pictures of shit other than yrself, loser.
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